Hey Guys. Tried out the chrome extensions which I shared last week? If not, do check it out here.

And for this week, let me share hacks for one of our favorite applications : Whatsapp

1. Download Status Automatically :

  • Most people want to download the status that they like but there is no download option available.
  • Let me share a trick by which you can save all the statuses in one folder. In order to do this, you need to follow these steps.

          1. Download MxPlayer App from Google play store.

          2. Open the MxPlayer, go to settings –> List.

            3. Here, you will see Show hidden files and folders unchecked. Just check it.


             4. That’s it. Now you will be able to see all the downloaded status in                                           Statuses Folder in MxPlayer App.

2. Delete message even after 7 minutes :

  • Sometimes you accidentally send a message/photos/media to someone else and you realize after a couple of moments. Since it has already been a while, you won’t have the Delete for everyone option.
  • This trick will help you delete the message for everyone even after 7 minutes.
  • For this, you need to turn off the internet and go to your mobile settings –> Apps –> Whatsapp –> Force stop –> okay.

force stop

  • Next, Go to Date and Time settings and change your time to 2 or 3 minutes just after you have sent a message.
  • Open Whatsapp in offline mode only and delete the message that you want to. Now you’ll able to see the delete for everyone option.


  • After deleting the message, reset your date and time settings, do force stop and instantly you can use WhatsApp as usual.

3. Changing the text formats :

  • Sometimes, we need to send some messages which are in the form of passages but the main points/ideas are to be highlighted.
  • Here, I will present 4 different text styles.
  1. To get the text in a bold, you need to place the word or words in between two Asterisks like (*hai*).
  2. To get the text in Italics, place the word or words in between Underscores like (_hai_).
  3. To strike the word, place the word in between Tildes like (~hai~).
  4. To get a different font style, just place the word in between three Acutes like (“`hai“`).

4.  Delete unwanted data :

  • When using Whatsapp with WIFI connectivity, usually all the media files that have been forwarded to you from all your contacts will be downloaded automatically and stored into your phone storage. This will lead to unnecessary extra data storage. Later you notice that your mobile storage is full.
  • By using Data and storage usage setting you’ll able to delete all the useless media by selecting the individual group and contacts.
  • For this, Open Settings –> Data and storage usage –> Storage usage –> select the group or individual contact –> click Manage Messages at the bottom right side of the screen –> check the files that you want to delete –> tap Clear Messages.

5.  Send messages without saving a number :

  • Sometimes, you might want to send the messages to unknown contacts without saving the number in your contact list.
  • By using the WhatsDirect app, you can do exactly that.
  • For this, Open WhatsDirect App –>  Select the country code –> Enter a mobile number for whom you want to send a message –> Type message below –> any files to be attached by using media button –> press send button.

6.   Sending messages through a website :

  • You can also send the Whatsapp messages through a website by using wa.me/918886666555. Here 91 indicates country code and remaining digits are the phone number to which you want to send a message to.
  • But, 2 conditions for this to happen
  1. Entered mobile number must have a Whatsapp account.
  2. Entered mobile number should be saved in your contact list.
  • For this, Open browser, type wa.me/918886666555(For Example) and press enter. You’ll automatically redirect to your Whatsapp account, where you can send a message.


7. Maintain consistency in media quality :

  • You are supposed to send some photos to your friend, but after sending the quality of the image is compressed.
  • To maintain the original quality of the photos or videos, you need to send through Documents rather than by selecting Gallery option.
  • To do this, go to Document and  Browse select the appropriate media and click send.

Though there were many other amazing hacks to include, these were the top 7 for me. Which hack do you like the most? Leave it down in the comments below and if you liked the post and found it useful, like and share with your friends. Don’t forget to hit the subscribe button and as always…

And if you didn’t like our facebook page, do like here. If I uploaded any new post, I’ll share in this group.

Meet you next week!





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